Volunteers are the difference between our hoping and our making it possible to give those living in poverty or on its brink a “hand up” toward self-sufficiency. Our volunteers define heart and soul of the Bastrop County Emergency Food Pantry and Support Center.
They are people…
- who give of themselves to help others in need,
- who take delight in working together with others committed to building a stronger community,
- whose combined efforts are gaining on poverty and near-poverty in this county.
The Food Pantry needs you, your hopes and enthusiasm, your time and talent if we are going to sustain and build on the success we have had in meeting the challenges of poverty head-on.
Opportunities abound in…
- food pick up, storage, packaging and delivery
- holiday or special event assistance
- office skills, website updating, social media skills
- buildings and grounds maintenance
- presenting or assisting workshops and training sessions
- lending a hand to senior citizen’s activities
- assisting with food drives or with these ongoing special programs:
- the Emergency Food Assistance program
- the Brown Bag and Open Arms programs
- the Fresh Foods for Families program
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead